EuropeWave Phase 3 winners showcase 3D models at OEE2023 conference
A successful side event was hosted by EuropeWave at the OEE 2023 conference on 25 October 2023 in The Hague. The side event was well attended, with participants ranging from ocean energy developers to value chain suppliers and marine energy researchers.
The side event showcased the final three wave energy projects selected for Phase 3 of EuropeWave’s Pre-Commercial Procurement funding programme. The winning developers showcased their project concepts by displaying their 3D-printed models on stage and highlighted the milestones that need to be achieved in the last phase.
During the panel discussion, the Phase 3 developers shared their lessons learnt from the Phase 2 process and device design, while two open-sea test site operators, European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) and Biscay Marine Energy Platform (BiMEP), shared their unprecedented experience in demonstrating ocean energy technologies and also gave valuable advice on tackling challenges in open-water testing.
Download the presentations:
EuropeWave Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) funding programme
IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture S.A.U. – MARMOK Atlantic
Learn more about the Phase 3 projects

Photo credits: Simon Pugh (Photographer); Janis Leung (EuropeWave/OEE)