Project partners
EuropeWave is a collaboration between three European partner organisations – two public authorities and the sector’s representative body in Europe.
The Ente Vasco de la Energía - EVE (Basque Energy Board) is the Basque Government's energy agency. Its mission is to:
Propose energy strategies for the Basque Country, based on criteria of supply security, cost competitiveness, sustainability and technological development.
Participate in developing these strategies and contribute to meeting the targets established therein.
In order to achieve this mission, the agency provides a service to the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures in matters related to energy and geological and mining resources. It also participates in projects, involving private companies and government institutions. It works to disseminate the values and messages underpinning its strategies amongst society at large.
EVE's capacity for action is backed by the technical capacity, commitment and leadership of its staff and by efficient planning and management of its resources.
Ocean Energy Europe
Ocean Energy Europe is the largest network of ocean energy professionals in the world. Over 120 organisations, including Europe’s leading utilities, industrialists and research institutes, trust OEE to represent the interests of Europe’s ocean energy sector.
Ocean Energy Europe’s mission is to create a strong environment for the development of ocean energy, improve access to funding, and enhance business opportunities for its members.
As a not-for-profit organisation, every euro invested in OEE is used to promote the European ocean energy industry.
Wave Energy Scotland
Wave Energy Scotland (WES) is driving the search for innovative solutions to the technical challenges facing the wave energy sector. Through our competitive procurement programme, we support a range of projects focused on the key systems and sub-systems of Wave Energy Converters. The aim is to produce reliable technology which will result in cost effective wave energy generation.
WES was formed in 2014 at the request of the Scottish Government and is a subsidiary of Highlands and Islands Enterprise. The aim of WES is to ensure that Scotland maintains a leading role in the development of marine energy.
Through our work, we have funded 95 contracts, committed £41.6m and been involved with 230 separate organisations, across 13 different countries.