Phase 1 awards
Following a strong response to the initial call for tenders, seven successful project teams have been selected by a panel of independent experts and will share a budget of €2.4 million to further develop their wave energy device concepts in the first half of 2022.
The seven successful projects are:
AMOG Consulting Ltd: Sea-Saw WEC
Arrecife Energy Systems SL: Trimaran
Bombora Wave Power Europe Ltd: emWave
CETO Wave Energy Ireland Ltd: ACHIEVE
IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture SAU: MARMOK Atlantic
Mocean Energy Ltd: Blue Horizon 250
Waveram Ltd: The Waveram
Following completion of the first phase, five most promising technologies will then be selected to progress to a second phase, where project teams will undertake more extensive design, modelling and testing. The final phase of EuropeWave will select three devices for testing in real sea conditions off the coasts of the Basque Country and Scotland in 2025.
Blue Horizon 250
Blue Horizon, Mocean’s new product line, is a medium to large scale hinged raft with forward and aft wave channels, electric PTO and innovative features built upon the success of the state-of-the-art Blue X prototype to maximise the annual energy production (AEP).
At 250kW scale, the new Blue Horizon can be commercially applied to diesel replacement in off grid applications, offshore platforms, offshore aquaculture, remote communities, islands and remote resorts.
The emWave project will develop a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) based on an electroactive membrane. This new concept, combining the architecture of a floating version of the Bombora mWave concept with the concept of Dielectric Elastomer Generator Power Take Off system (DEG-PTO), aims at enabling a new way of capturing wave power at utility scale to unlock the wave energy potential.
MARMOK Atlantic
IDOM’s wave energy harvesting technology is a point absorber based on the Oscillating Water Column (OWC) working principle called MARMOK. A revised and innovative design will be developed to improve the power performance of the system maintaining its high robustness, maintainability and reliability via all the experience and lessons learnt during previous testing campaigns.
Sea-Saw WEC
The AMOG Sea-Saw WEC technology is a dual hinged hull combined surge and pitch device with two PTOs, aiming at reliability improvement and operating costs reduction.
The Waveram
The Waveram, a single-bodied, seaworthy spar buoy, is designed for utility-scale arrays in the most energetic deep-water offshore sites.
A combination of a neutrally buoyant inertial mass and the ballast, supported by a surface-piercing float, will be developed to provide simple, compact, and robust power trains to generate energy.