Inspiring wave energy projects and the future of EuropeWave highlighted at EuropeWave’s 2nd annual conference

EuropeWave annual conference 2023

EuropeWave’s second annual conference was held in Brussels on 28 March 2023. The successful event brought wave energy experts, national and regional authorities, and test centres together to discover the latest news from the five innovative wave energy projects funded by the EuropeWave PCP programme.

The project developers showcased their project work, shared their key learnings during Phase 1 and their milestones achieved so far in Phase 2. All these projects are well underway in Phase 2, as some have already completed their tank testing activities.

Matthijs Soede from the Commission’s Directorate General for Research & Innovation gave a keynote speech, outlined the Commission’s expectations and the upcoming EU funding opportunities for wave energy, and took questions from the audience.

Tim Hurst, Managing Director of Wave Energy Scotland, then shared a sneak peek of the latest findings from their recent study, which investigates the potential of integrating wave and floating offshore wind for delivering mutual technical and socio-economic benefits.

Finally, Donagh Cagney, Policy Director at Ocean Energy Europe, gave an overview of available EU funding and announced the first concept of the successor of the EuropeWave programme – Prosper 2030. This innovative, procurement-based programme will aim to advance wave energy converter systems proven at scale in a real-sea environment and bring wave energy to commercial scale.

If you missed the event, you can watch the recording and download the presentations.


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